04.24.2017 - Optimal IdM Releases Authentication-As-A-Service Offering
The Optimal Authentication Service permits the addition of Multi-Factor Authentication and can be fully integrated into The OptimalCloud. Tampa, FL, April 24, 2017 — Optimal IdM today announced the release of their authentication-as-a-service (AaaS) offering called Optimal Authentication Service™ (OAS). OAS is a hosted RESTful web service that provides customers with the ability to perform various types and levels of authentications including single and multi-factor. The service may be deployed in any data-center and is offered in a multi-tenant environment as well as in an isolated/dedicated environment. Because the service is available via industry standard REST calls, both web and non-web applications may easily add MFA capabilities. OAS is a multi-factor authentication (MFA) service that helps prevent phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks by delivering push notifications to a user’s registered mobile device which optionally works with fingerprint enabled systems. OAS includes other MFA options like Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) and traditional One-Time Passcodes (OTP) that can be sent via Short Message Service (SMS), Email or voice calls. Each can be used as a stand-alone option or in conjunction with a complete Identity Access and Management (IAM) program. When integrating with an existing system, you can leverage OTPs via SMS, Email or voice without storing any information about the user in the cloud service. When using TOTP or push notifications, only device information is stored, which reduces the amount of personal identifiable information that is needed. The service can also be used to access applications in a password-less method by sending a push notifications to a mobile device for logins. “The Optimal Authentication Service can easily integrate into your application using the RESTful call or by using our .NET SDK or jQuery plugin,” said Larry Aucoin, Managing Partner at Optimal IdM. He continued, “This service allows you to quickly and painlessly add MFA to your application and offer many different MFA options in doing so, including password-less options. It is also fully integrated into The OptimalCloud™.” The OptimalCloud is a complete Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) solution with delegated administration and workflow capabilities that can be customized to meet the specific needs of its clients. The OptimalCloud offers a private, secure and dedicated cloud which is essential for meeting corporate security and compliance restrictions. Further to that, The OptimalCloud’s built-in cloud reporting system provides real time historical audit record of all activity including detailed granular reporting which is stored in a dedicated private database. The OptimalCloud is billed as an affordable, flat monthly fee which fits with budgetary and approval requirements. Attendees of the Cloud Identity Summit from June 19-21 in Chicago will have the opportunity to see a product demonstration of OAS at the Optimal IdM booth. About Optimal IdM Optimal IdM is a global provider of innovative and affordable identity access management solutions. We partner with our clients to provide comprehensive, fully customizable enterprise level solutions that meet the specific security and scalability needs of their organizations. Customers include Fortune 1000 companies, as well as Federal, State and Local Government agencies all over the world. Founded in 2005, Optimal IdM is privately held and has been profitable in every quarter since inception. Visit www.optimalidm.com for more information. Media Inquiries Matt Pitchford +1 (317) 460-0250 matt.pitchford@optimalidm.com ...
04.9.2017 - 101 Uses for a Virtual Directory
Your corporate directory services and individual application identity pools are fragmented and sprawled throughout your enterprise. Each directory needs maintenance and probably a lot of clean up. Unfortunately, there is little time for such efforts. Consolidation of these fragmented identity services often takes many man-years of effort, costly consulting services, temporary software migration tools and the result is rarely the clean, pristine environment envisioned. ...
04.9.2017 - Using the Virtual Identity Server (VIS) To Migrate From One LDAP Platform To Another Platform
Over time it is quite common that companies wish to migrate from one platform to another platform. This can be a relatively easy change, or can be quite complicated depending upon the platform being changed. With regards to moving from one LDAP directory to another, this is often a very complex and involved migration. In fact, for many organizations it may not even seem feasible given some of the constraints. Given the rise in popularity of Microsoft’s Active Directory over the years, many customers are examining ways to move from one LDAP platform (e.g. Sun, OpenLDAP, eDirectory) to the Microsoft Active Directory platform. Additionally, with the acquisition of Sun by Oracle and Oracle’s subsequent price increase, many customers are looking for ways to migrate off of the Sun platform ...
04.9.2017 - Understanding Costs Differences Between IDaaS and On-Premise Deployments
Usage of the cloud has become more and more prevalent, even for areas that were classically on premise deployments. For example, the cloud Identity as a Service (IDaaS) market has grown substantially over the last few years. A major reason for the cloud adoption is that organizations have started to understand the true costs of maintaining an on premise identity deployment. Historically organizations didn’t realize the true cost of maintaining the solution until after it was purchased and deployed. Once deployed, employees needed to be trained and become “experts” to be able to fully support and maintain the environment and unfortunately many identity management deployments are complicated. Over time organizations have started to realize that by leveraging cloud solutions they can effectively outsource these deployments to organizations that specialize in certain areas. To continue reading, download “Understanding Costs Differences Between IDaaS and On-Premise Deployments” today. ...
04.9.2017 - The OptimalCloud for Cloud Based Application Vendors
More and more IAM vendors are taking what they classically sold as an on premise solution and delivering their applications via the cloud. While this makes a lot of sense both for the vendors as well as their customers, it does introduce a problem with authenticating users. With the on premise solutions, they likely used Windows integrated authentication for web applications to seamlessly log the customer’s users into their web application, or they simply authenticated using the customers on premise Active Directory. To learn more, download “The OptimalCloud for Cloud Based Application Vendors” whitepaper today. ...