01.23.2018 - GDPR and Governance
In our blogs, “Initiating Steps On The Path To GDPR Compliance” and “GDPR Compliance – Assessing Data Controls and Risk Management”, we discussed data mapping and risk assessments. Today, we are going to discuss governance. ...
01.22.2018 - Enterprise CIO
The shortcomings of single sign-on in the age of information security. ...
01.12.2018 - IAM Addresses Help Desk Issues
In today’s enterprise, employees need to access many different areas of your computer network, even areas that don’t necessarily fall within their given departments. This creates an access problem, since you don’t want your network left open for anyone to access. Even when companies do take steps to protect their networks, hackers can and will break in, either for the purposes of corporate sabotage or out of a general attempt to do malice. The problem is how to make sure everyone who needs access can get access, while hackers cannot. In the past, companies could give employees a password for their own part of the system, but if any cross-department work was required, they would have to contact the help desk in order to get additional access, slowing down operations and reducing efficiency. ...
01.11.2018 - Optimal IdM Honored with Homeland Security Award from Government Security News
Optimal IdM, a leading provider of Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions, today announced it has been named “Best Multifactor Authentication Solution” of the 2017 Government Security News (GSN) Homeland Security Awards (HSA) Program under the Cyber Security Products and Solutions category. Announced in January of 2018, the 9th annual award program’s judging in this category is based on a combination of client organization, technological innovation or improvement, filling a recognized government IT security need and flexibility of a solution to meet current and future organizational needs. According to Lead Judge, Chuck Brooks, “Each year the quality and scope of the submissions makes it more difficult to judge. They are all deserving. There are no inferior security products or services that I evaluated – they are all stellar. The approaches and methods sometimes differ among the entries and that is largely because they are highly focused on their specific client needs. As to the government entries, these submissions exemplify the best in public/private cooperation. Government is moving rapidly into the digital era and integrating technologies, processes and accordingly new mandates of their government agencies and programs.” The Optimal Authentication Service (OAS) from Optimal IdM is a multi-factor authentication-as-a-service offering that allows customers to implement a variety of MFA solutions using their existing web and non-web applications. As a MFA service, OAS helps prevent phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks by delivering push notifications to a user’s registered mobile device which optionally works with fingerprint enabled systems. OAS includes time-based one-time password (TOTP) and traditional one-time passcodes (OTP) that can be sent via short message service (SMS), email or voice calls. Each can be used as a stand-alone option or in conjunction with a complete IAM program. The service can also be used to provide passwordless access to applications by leveraging mobile device push authentication. “We are honored to be acknowledged as the industry’s best technology for multifactor authentication solutions,” said John Maring, COO & Managing Partner of Optimal IdM. “The HSA award inspires us to continue to set the standard for innovative and affordable multifactor solutions, as well as deliver superior customer service.” Optimal IdM was also recently positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the Niche Players quadrant of the Magic Quadrant for Access Management, Worldwide, named a Leader in KuppingerCole Leadership Compass Identity as a Service: Single Sign-On to the Cloud Report, and featured on the Best Identity Management Solutions list of 2017 by PC Magazine. Optimal IdM received 4 stars and an editor rating of Excellent. ...
01.3.2018 - Internal Hiring vs. Hiring a MSSP: Which Is Better?
There’s no question that in today’s day and age, you need a dedicated cybersecurity team to protect your company’s data. The question is, do you dedicate some of your existing IT staff to cybersecurity or do you use a managed security service providers (MSSP) services? Naturally, there are pros and cons to each approach. ...