10.27.2021 - The Implications of Big Tech’s Meeting With Biden
Big data is no longer just an industry buzzword — it’s estimated to grow to $103 billion by 2027. It’s no wonder that the tech sector needs to acknowledge the challenges that will arise from this growth. Before this meeting, President Joe Biden said that cybersecurity was “a core national security challenge” to the U.S. Several recent, high-profile cyberattacks had to be addressed during this meeting in Washington.
10.27.2021 - How to Better Secure User Authentication Protocols
Authentication and authorization are not the same, and remembering that is critical to avoiding threats like ProxyToken. An attacker may use ProxyToken or a similar method to bypass authentication, but tighter controls can still mitigate damage.
10.27.2021 - Twitch Adds New Phone Verification Option to Avoid Bot Attacks
The new Twitch phone verification option aims to stop automated hate raids through two-factor authentication. Many companies use this measure for employees since passwords may be vulnerable, especially if workers reuse them.
10.22.2021 - What is SCIM?
Is your organization expanding and adding a growing number of employees to your staff? Or do you see frequent movement in personnel roles, with individuals being promoted or moved to other departments? If you’ve answered, “Yes!” to either of these questions, SCIM can offer your organization a streamlined, secure way of user provisioning.