The recent Okta breaches highlight inherent risks when managing customer identities and access. Though the full details are still emerging about this latest breach, it appears hackers exploited stolen credentials and a compromised support account to gain unauthorized access to sensitive customer data within Okta’s support system. The intruders could view sensitive customer files uploaded as part of support cases. These included HTTP archives (HAR files) which can contain login cookies and session tokens. This latest breach comes after previous Okta breaches involving social engineering of support staff by hacking groups.

This recent incident underscores the need for robust security across identity and access management (IAM) platforms. Companies should regularly review configurations and access policies to minimize risks. Multifactor authentication (MFA), least privilege principles, and monitoring controls are critical.

Alternative solutions to Okta include the OptimalCloud Identity and Access Management solutions. SSO, MFA, Universal Directory, Lifecycle Management, Delegated Administration and Adaptive Authentication/Authorization are all included in the base package. The OptimalCloud IAM platform strengthens security by enabling adaptive and risk-based authentication policies. The platform can require users to present additional authentication factors based on their risk profiles before gaining access. For example, if a login attempt comes from an unusual location or device, OptimalCloud can prompt for an extra step of verification. The platform analyzes usage patterns across the system to detect anomalies and signs of compromised credentials being used for unauthorized access. By requiring contextual multi-factor authentication, OptimalCloud prevents attackers from easily misusing stolen passwords or accounts. Furthermore, the platform restricts access permissions and data to only what is essential for each user’s role through least-privilege principles. This limits damage if accounts are compromised since attackers can only reach information or capabilities needed for the assigned role. With adaptive access controls and role-based authorization, OptimalCloud provides additional layers of protection on top of consolidated identities to limit the impact of potential breaches.

While no solution is foolproof, our identity-centric products aim to reduce attack surfaces, enforce tighter access controls, and detect potential threats early. We prioritize holistic security across all our offerings.

By regularly reviewing configurations, monitoring activity, and consolidating identities with solutions like the OptimalCloud, companies can mitigate risks and maintain trust. Optimal IdM offers a range of IAM tools for businesses to protect their accounts. Explore these solutions at and reach out to us for more information at



  • The database in which all of your organization’s sensitive identity data is stored.
  • A digital ledger in which digital transactions are recorded chronologically and publicly.
  • Securely managing customer identity and profile data, and controlling customer access to applications and services.
  • The means of linking a person's electronic identity and attributes, stored across multiple distinct identity management systems.
  • A legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the EU.
  • The policy-based centralized orchestration of user identity management and access control.
  • An authentication infrastructure that is built, hosted and managed by a third-party service provider.
  • A security system that requires more than one method of authentication from independent categories of credentials to verify the user's identity for a login or other transaction.
  • A global provider of innovative and affordable identity access management solutions. 
  • Managing and auditing account and data access by privileged users.
  • Tools and technologies for controlling user access to critical information within an organization.
  • An authentication process that allows a user to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials.