02.24.2023 - How Companies Can Protect Customer Data
When your customers decide to do business with you, they believe you will keep their information safe. Keeping client data secure helps create a positive relationship with your customers and is an excellent way to maintain the reputation you have worked hard to establish. Determining how to protect customer data is essential.
11.14.2022 - The Complete Guide to Password Best Practices
Implementing good password practices in your business reduces the chance that hackers or malicious software could access your accounts. While many individuals and companies may be concerned about potential leaks or security breaches, small businesses and enterprises could do more to ensure their information is safe. ...
10.1.2020 - 6 A/B Tests You Can Run on Your E-Commerce Cart
09.9.2020 - The Best Secure Authentication Methods for Teams Working from Home
Devin Partida, Editor-in-Chief of ReHack.com, tapped Optimal IdM for her recent blog, “The Best Secure Authentication Methods for Teams Working from Home”. ...
08.28.2020 - 6 Security Features to Look for in Your CRM Software
07.1.2020 - Circle of Trust, An Identity Federation Journey
Identity federation broadens SSO processes to include third-party or partner business networks, bringing outside enterprises into the circle of trust.
06.19.2020 - What Are the Three Types of Authentication?
Authentication is the process of allowing people, often employees, to identify who they are so that they can gain access to the company’s facilities or computer network. The process is extremely important to help prevent unauthorized access, which can lead to catastrophic data breaches. There’s a wide variety of authentication methods available, ranging from a simple single password to complex multi-factor authentication, including passwords, one-time codes and biometrics. ...
04.16.2020 - Pros and Cons of IDaaS
Identity as a Service (IDaaS) is an authentication service provided by a third party via the cloud. Third-party providers offer various services like IDaaS through web connections so a company can outsource these services rather than managing them in-house. IDaaS is used to verify who users are and whether they have permission to access files, software or other resources. An organization can pay a subscription fee to the provider for cloud-based IDaaS applications. ...
10.16.2019 - KuppingerCole Analyst Executive View: Optimal IdM and The OptimalCloud™
The IDaaS market has evolved over the past few years and is still growing, both in size and in the number of vendors. However, under the umbrella term of IDaaS, we find a variety of offerings. IDaaS, in general, provides Identity & Access Management capabilities as a service, ranging from Single Sign-On to full Identity Provisioning for both on-premise and cloud solutions. These solutions also vary in their support for different groups of users – such as employees, business partners, and customers – their support for mobile users, and their integration capabilities back to on-premise environments. ...
10.15.2019 - Customer Experience Starts at Your Registration Screen
Social sign-ons are not meant to and should not be used to protect sensitive assets. Of greater concern is that data sharing is a two-way street. When a company uses single sign-on, it gets information such as email addresses and geographical locations from the social network; however, it also may be giving information about its users’ behaviors back to the social network. Businesses should understand which user information they are sharing when they agree to the terms of the social network.