Download Buyer’s Guide for Access Management
According to Gartner, “Security and risk management leaders responsible for IAM and fraud should follow these five steps to select a long lasting, cost-efficient AM solution.”
Consider these Five Steps When choosing a Strategic Access Management Plan.
Key Takeaways
- “Access management (AM) initiatives can be championed by disparate stakeholders with different goals for external and internal users. AM initiatives with an initial focus on only one population can be expensive or lack features when extended to another. “
- “AM capabilities keep growing, overlapping and converging with adjacent identity and access management (IAM) and security markets, like user authentication, identity governance and administration (IGA) and API security. Such overlap complicates mapping the organization’s own IAM business requirements and use cases relevant to AM.”
- “Recent AM technology buying initiatives have been driven by tactical needs, like securing remote access to employees, workforce collaboration and customer portals, leading to emergency investments and disproportionate spending.”
- “RFPs very often include other adjacent requirements that are not core to AM, reducing the quality of the responses and the mix of vendors that participate.”
- “Choosing a shortlist of vendors to participate in an RFP process can be daunting given the sheer number of viable companies that deliver some (but not all) of the core AM capabilities.”
Gartner, Buyer’s Guide for Access Management, Henrique Teixeira, Michael Kelley, Abhyuday Data, 14 December 2020
This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Optimal IdM.