
  • The database in which all of your organization’s sensitive identity data is stored.
  • A digital ledger in which digital transactions are recorded chronologically and publicly.
  • Securely managing customer identity and profile data, and controlling customer access to applications and services.
  • The means of linking a person's electronic identity and attributes, stored across multiple distinct identity management systems.
  • A legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the EU.
  • The policy-based centralized orchestration of user identity management and access control.
  • An authentication infrastructure that is built, hosted and managed by a third-party service provider.
  • A security system that requires more than one method of authentication from independent categories of credentials to verify the user's identity for a login or other transaction.
  • A global provider of innovative and affordable identity access management solutions. 
  • Managing and auditing account and data access by privileged users.
  • Tools and technologies for controlling user access to critical information within an organization.
  • An authentication process that allows a user to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials.

uses of a virtual identity serverYour corporate directory services and individual application identity pools are fragmented and sprawled throughout your enterprise. Each directory needs maintenance and probably a lot of clean up. Unfortunately, there is little time for such efforts. Consolidation of these fragmented identity services often takes many man-years of effort, costly consulting services, temporary software migration tools and the result is rarely the clean, pristine environment envisioned.

What if there were a way to ‘join’ all of these directory services, virtually, into a single view, without consolidation, without creating another database or pushing and pulling directory identity data back and forth across the network in a never-ending process of synchronization. What if you could use a single interface to maintain a single entity (logon) across all connected disparate directory services – including hundreds of Active Directory (A.D.) forests. Wouldn’t be ideal to set, audit and maintain a single security policy for authentication (AuthN) and access, in real time, in one place? Further, what if you could view and manage all Active Directory forests in a single console – along with SQL identity tables, and thousands of legacy identity application pools of disconnected identity stores. This would require a virtual directory.

To continue reading, download the “101 Uses for a Virtual Directory” whitepaper today.